On Point.Scans
Laser Scanning
Our team uses extremely efficient laser scanning technology with high resolution fully colored panoramic images. This point cloud data can then be transferred to a number of CAD, BIM, VR, and AR applications. The accuracy of these scans are unprecedented and are able to capture spaces much faster and more accurate than traditional methods
3D Photo Modeling
Our 3D Camera captures 2D photography and 3D data from job sites, and automatically stitches them into a complete, immersive 3D model of a real-world job site. Take this 3D model and annotate, share, and export the point cloud to Autodesk ReCap® or Revit®.
Revit Modeling
Let our team convert your as-builts into an actual Building Information Model that can be further documented for permitting or 3D Coordination. Spend more time designing and building.
On Point Scans empowers you as an architect, engineer, or contractor by letting you have better-coordinated as-builts via reality capturing technology. Our team of experts capture your existing spaces and create building information models with a quick turn around. If you are frustrated with old methods of capturing existing spaces, we want to help.
Why On Point Scans?
On Point Scans believes in a better way to capture, design, and build. The way we have always done things will not suffice in an ever-changing industry. You need the edge to keep yourself and your team efficient and productive. This is why we started On Point Scans.
Head Office
For any inquiries or to receive a quote, please call:
720-417-8463 or fill out the form to the left.